“God is our strength, a very present help in trouble.”-Psalm 46:1 (KJV)
My Catahoula just turned ten years old. He came into my life by accident as a seven or eight week old pup. The couple that introduced us had discovered him in a shallow ditch next to their driveway on a busy highway. They were on their way to the animal shelter, but stopped at my place of employment in one last effort to place him.
The four-pound puppy that I brought home is now a happy, healthy, fifty-pound dog. He is an accepted member of the family and brings adventure and enrichment to my life. Taking a chance on him ensured his security.
Jesus made a point of searching out those in need. He touched lepers, strengthened crippled legs with a word, wept in sorrow, heard questions about God, and saw a hungry multitude gathered to hear His teachings.
He knew the needs of the people. The sick, both physically and spiritually, required attention. When the Pharisees observed Jesus sitting down to dine with publicans and sinners, they questioned why. Upon hearing it, Jesus answered, “They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick.” – Matthew 9:12.
People are still in need of rescue. Only Jesus knows what will make us whole. Just like the couple that brought an unwanted pup to me, we are to bring those in need of rescue to Jesus. At His feet, they will find healing and love.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for rescuing me – I am secure in Your salvation and love.
Loved this one. Vicki Adkison